Healthcare a Bitter Pill – read and do something about it

I’m going to write this and get a lot of comments. I try and stay apolitical out here in social and twittersphere with one exception – Healthcare, who by the way allows most of congress to continue getting re-elected. keep their jobs, and is responsible for why many Americans are poor, or Americans that have little disposable income to buys goods and services from American companies.

This Time magazine supplement should be read by every American – rich, poor, young, old white, black, or Hispanic. It exposes what’s really going on in healthcare, one of our largest business segments, and a large part of what happens in our lives. It’s also an industry that the payer (insurance companies) and provider (hospitals, physicians and clinical practices) side is mostly unregulated and is perhaps the root cause of many of our ills (pun intended). Last, it’s an industry that provides one of the largest lobby groups in Washington and the most money funding our elected officials in Washington’s campaigns.

Roughly half of all Americans are unknowing of what really goes on in backrooms and behind closed doors to cause and foster the economic and governmental environment we’re in. Simple stuff, basic stuff, things that are really pretty easy to understand, like the article here. Bonus Article by Robert Reich.

Why are these people ignorant of this? A lot of reasons – they don’t care because they think there’s nothing they can do to affect outcomes (that’s bs because part of the Romney dissed 47% got Obama re-elected), too much reality TV – Honey Boo Boo’s ignorance fosters more ignorance – perhaps and playing video games way too much . Whatever the reason, they haven’t taken the time to read about and understand any of the mechanics that get people elected and sustained in office; or why executives of a healthcare industry that continues to profit from the public financially while destroying people’s lives and their self-esteem make more money than Warren Buffet.

Whatever the reason, 47% or 50% is one hell of a lot of people, that if educated about the reality shows going on in Washington, in healthcare and the environment, and then mobilized; I believe, maybe, just maybe,  substantial change could come about – for America and Americans. But, not what would we have to bitch and write about.

~Reed Oftain

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