About: Image with Vision

After a long 35  years of  building new businesses, reinvigorating old ones; instilling customer service best practices and making a boatload of friendships, I made my last client call today, and retired. Being so used to habit, I stopped at the nearest place with fast WiFI to update notes from my meetings (usually the quietest Starbucks I can find). The difference this time is that I’m not updating company CRM, contact management, managing opportunity forecasts and completing the myriads of reports and metrics I’ve been obligated to keep. Instead, I’m writing the introduction to my new website introducing my new and latest business, “Image with Vision”.


Rose’s rose bush in Chicago spring rain

I’ve been fortunate through the years to meet and build relationships with some of the most incredible people from the visual arts and visual business community on this planet.

So, welcome to Image with Vision. Look for some of the most unique images, brightest minds, visionary ideas and importantly, images that possess vision, composition and interest to keep you wanting to see and hear more. In addition to allowing me to reconnect with the people closest to me in my life, Image with Vision will allow them to discuss their viewpoints on visual imagery in todays culture and about the images found on this site.

Social Media has opened up every visual art and artist to everyone. Society itself has become the visual art, with everyone becoming a visual artist.  Everyone on Facebook and Instagram is an artist – some stuff is great. The “accidental imager” shows up every now and then. Mostly, however, everything looks the same – sunsets, dogs/cats, oversaturated, oversharpened etc. Easy to use apps and tools has enabled this. HDR now exists on your Smartphone. Don’t know what that is, stop reading now and be a politician. So what’s different about this site?

Image with Vision is here to help you separate the wheat from the chaff. We’ll educate, by bringing you the best minds, the best photographs and images. We will try and explain, show and help understand the path leading to the process and technique behind some of the great images seen on this site. Last, we’ll entertain and motivate you with articles that will will make you laugh and sometimes cry.

Image with Vision will bring this all to you, while always allowing you to provide us feedback that makes us continuously improve our content. So come on in, join us in our “living” room.   – Reed Oftain

 or @reflexone



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