Author Archives: Reed Oftain

What did BIG technology companies do with stimulus funds?

This is a breaking story from Information Week’s CRN that I’m sure will have further implications and if it goes viral could impact the campaign in the remaining few days. check out the Link here.  If you can get past Steve Burke’s … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, Revenue, Sales, SCRM | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

G I F T Social Meeting Networking idea

Here’s a good refresher for what to do at a social network meeting, Using his GIFT Acronym @doncooper has some pretty good ideas on what to say and do while you’re meeting people – Reed Oftain

Posted in Business Owner, Network Meeting, Networking, Reed Oftain, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Best Buy to the Rescue, Apple iPad lives another day

Every now and then you have an experience totally out of the blue and unexpected. Sunday I accidentally dropped my 6 month old iPad – ping, bam thud –  spider cracks all over it. Well, it still functioned normally as … Continue reading

Posted in Customer, Customer Management, Customer Service, Marketing, SCRM, Social CRM, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Patient engagement starts with knowing your patient

This is a great article Here’s an even better idea. Perhaps a better way to true Healthcare reform is for the physician, or clinician to know more about their patients. One of the most important areas we as humans … Continue reading

Posted in Clinicians, CRM, Doctor Office, Doctors, Emergency Room, ER, Health, Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Hospitals, Marketing, Reed Oftain, SCRM, Social CRM, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Welcome to Vision4SCRM

Welcome to Vision4SCRM. This new site will  represent some of the brightest minds, with visionary ideas and tools in what has become a blended palette of “socialized” contact and customer management. I’ve had a great opportunity to take a rest … Continue reading

Posted in CRM, Customer Management, Customer Service, Marketing, Reed Oftain, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment