Category Archives: CEO

Social Media Got Me the Right Pair of Shoes

If you think social media networking and it’s corollary Social Marketing aren’t working, listen to my story about buying Rocker Style shoes. Like many today I try to walk 3 to 4 times a week (running wreaks havoc on my shins). … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, CRM, Customer, Customer Management, Customer Service, Health, Healthcare, Marketing, Network Meeting, Networking, Reed Oftain, Sales, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

3 Revenue Rat Holes to Avoid

Rick McPartlin writes about the most important thing to a CEO – revenue generation. While his writing style isn’t always pretty, his points are direct, without mincing words – exactly how a CEO likes to be addressed by his direct … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, CRM, Customer, Customer Management, Marketing, Reed Oftain, Revenue, Sales, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Can’t we just have a conversation?

Sherry Turkel makes us think about the constantly connected world we live in. It’s time to shut off the blackberry iPhone and smartphone and renergize and restore. Sherry provides several compelling thoughts in this presentation – with how we, our … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, CRM, Customer, Networking, Sales, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How much longer will Linkedin provide Sales Opportunity?

This recent article by Forbes  makes it sound like we just hit the leading edge of social selling with Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook et al. But, are we really? Linkedin launched in May of 2003 and now promotes it has 175M registered … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, CRM, Customer, Revenue, Sales, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

6 Ways to get 16% (revenue, yes the stuff that makes your business go)

6 ways to get 16% About two years ago I gave this presentation to several social networking groups consisting of small and mid size businesses. It was designed to get business owners to think about five or  six things they once … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, Revenue, Sales, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What did BIG technology companies do with stimulus funds?

This is a breaking story from Information Week’s CRN that I’m sure will have further implications and if it goes viral could impact the campaign in the remaining few days. check out the Link here.  If you can get past Steve Burke’s … Continue reading

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