Welcome to Vision4SCRM

Welcome to Vision4SCRM. This new site will  represent some of the brightest minds, with visionary ideas and tools in what has become a blended palette of “socialized” contact and customer management. I’ve had a great opportunity to take a rest from promoting a once highly popular CRM tool. Aside from allowing me to reconnect with the people closest to me in my life, this rest has allowed me to objectively examine the transformation that’s taken place in just the course of three years in the world of what I call “socialized CRM” or SCRM. It’s unfortunate that when a new acronym gets created it’s just a matter of a few months before another term is invented to replace the previous one without thinking through the true meaning and impact the current acronym has. SCRM is way more than a current trend, it represents a whole new vision and philosophy of how people will work with each other as they buy and sell goods and services and build relationships.

SCRM is not an evolution from CRM, rather it’s a transformation of how we now act, react, and proactively look at customers and our relationships with them. Social media has allowed not only customers but everyone in the buying process to have access to any piece of information, including knowledge about each other. SCRM has created and entirely new sales vetting process for customers, prospects and vendors. It has also allowed each of these factions to be better prepared if and when they forge their relationships together.

Vision4SCRM is here to help you understand this transformation. We’ll educate, by bringing you the best minds, tools and ideas in the SCRM world. We’ll be current, but allow you to see and understand the path leading to  the new customer relationship management process used today. Last, we’ll entertain and motivate you with articles that will will make you laugh and sometimes cry.

Vision4SCRM will bring this all to you, while always allowing you to provide us feedback that makes us continuously improve our content. So come on in, join us in our “living” room.

– Reed Oftain

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