Patient engagement starts with knowing your patient

This is a great article

Here’s an even better idea.

Perhaps a better way to true Healthcare reform is for the physician, or clinician to know more about their patients.

In need of healthcare

One of the most important areas we as humans should pay attention to is our own health, and certainly having access to our database of healthcare data is very important.  However, our social  behavior directly correlates to our physical health, and practitioners don’t have ready access to current or even real time “emotional health information”. Hospitals, clinicians and physicians would do themselves and their patients a huge favor if they had a better picture of their patients “state of mind” as it relates to their physiological health. Social CRM, (or maybe we create yet a new moniker PCRM – patient CRM),  could only benefit practitioners by providing them  information about what their patient is feeling or thinking about before they come into the doctors office or ER with their ailment.

A simple contact management tool that incorporates social media postings from patients would be very simple and easy to incorporate into the practitioners “patient information resume”  Applications like Nimble Social CRM,  that are extremely simple and easy to use could fill this key information void.  Think for a minute how having this emotional, and social patient snapshot could enable a better diagnosis by the doctor or their clinical people, resulting in a saved office visit or trip to the ER, until when they are really needed. Think what this would do for the overall health related patient experience, not to mention personal healthcare cost. Multiply this across the entire healthcare industry and everyone wins. The patient – elimination of costly unneeded doctor and ER visits. The physician – a better diagnosis and better results. The American Public – emphasis on preventative rather than reactionary care and a reduction in the overall cost of healthcare.

– Reed Oftain

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