Tag Archives: Sales Force

3 Revenue Rat Holes to Avoid

Rick McPartlin writes about the most important thing to a CEO – revenue generation. While his writing style isn’t always pretty, his points are direct, without mincing words – exactly how a CEO likes to be addressed by his direct … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, CRM, Customer, Customer Management, Marketing, Reed Oftain, Revenue, Sales, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How much longer will Linkedin provide Sales Opportunity?

This recent article by Forbes  makes it sound like we just hit the leading edge of social selling with Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook et al. But, are we really? Linkedin launched in May of 2003 and now promotes it has 175M registered … Continue reading

Posted in Business Owner, CEO, CRM, Customer, Revenue, Sales, SCRM, Social CRM | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment